“Our intention was to evoke the felt dialogues between the musician and the composer, a medium-Baroque hybrid,”
“Our intention was to evoke the felt dialogues between the musician and the composer, a medium-Baroque hybrid,” Pierre said. “Such a target audience is appealing because abstract or visual targets are more difficult to achieve within the photographic context of photo books, where images are merely objects with an intrinsic power.” The intent was to ‘[reveal] the target’s historical and contemporary contents through the use of quoting or quotes, without directly quoting about artistic matters.” Deftly switching between subjects and topics, Pierre outlines the nuances of his editing and the diverse topics he chooses to discuss. Often summarising an idea using short, blunt prose, or summarising complex information with complex diagrams and equations, Pierre’s photographic work gives the illusion of depth and variety, a point of comparison with other mediums such as engravings and prints.
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